Power: Fatigue Profiling

Source: pcgtools.com (Hunter Allen, Peaks Coaching Group)

Here’s an interesting bike power tool from pcgtools.com (they provide as an intro for their coaching services…fair enough!). [please let me know if the url doesn’t work – it is a bit of a weird one to get to the tool]

You’ll be best placed to already know your maximum power outputs at different durations. As you can see above they are all required.

The nice things about this tools are:

  1. It very easily identifies your area(s) of weakness. In the above example (not me) the athlete may well need to work on the longer endurance stuff. Of course if they target short races that may not hold true.
  2. It gives you an idea of how you compare to the average (although I’m not sure how 302w/90 minutes is below ‘average’ – calcs must be more complex than they seem at first glance).

For my data, my weakness came out as the 2 minute time even though my 1 minute time was great. I found this interesting as my only KOM/QOM is a sprint on STRAVA on a popular part of the 2012 Olympic Road Race Route. Admittedly none of the Olympians were probably on STRAVA at the time nor sprinting on the bit that I sprinted on. Anyway my KOM/QOM is 1 minute 20 and I was starting to fade at the end. So maybe the tool does identify something I need to work on to maintain my crown 🙂 Having said that I didn’t have the power meter on when I did that particular segment so my KOM/QOM may in fact have been at a higher power than on my CP curve and it was a good 10 months ago in any case.



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6 thoughts on “Power: Fatigue Profiling

    1. I’ve changed it. (before and after worked for me). it IS a bit dodgy though. I would steer clear of internet explorer as it didn’t always do the calc for me. I used firefox and chrose and both seemed ok (normally I use IE for most things)

  1. 1. Source is actually Hunter Allen of Peaks Coaching Group fame (fatigue profiling can also be found described in the 2nd edition of our book.

    2. Fatigue profiling has largely been supplanted by the power-duration model in WKO4.

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