Coros Permanent Price Cuts, New Models & Selected Rebates – from NOW

Coros Vertix Pace Apex Pro Strength WorkoutsCoros Price Drops

As of today, the price of the Coros Apex Pro has permanently dropped by about $100 across all markets. This brings the new RRP price for all new APEX Pro watches to that shown in the following table:


US Canada Europe UK Australia New Zealand India Brazil
Before price drop 499 679 499 449 849 929  49,999 5,999
After price drop 399 549 399 349 699 749  39,999 4,799

If you have very recently bought an Apex PRO then you may be eligible for a goodwill gesture rebate directly from Coros, as outlined here. Sweet.



The official info from Coros gives some interesting insights into the reasoning which then also tantalises us with some forward-looking intel for products later in the year.

First up is the news that the (non-Pro) Apex 42mm and 46mm models are almost completely sold out. So the Apex Pro now needs to help fill the lower price gap as the 42mm and 46mm models will not have a new production run.

Second up, Coros kindly tells us that there be an “introduction of our next-generation APEX watches by the end of this year”. And that statement is pretty self-explanatory. I don’t have any exact intel on timings but September is always a good guess.

Other Coros News

There has been some GPS tinkering with Coros firmware in recent months and so I’ve been re-testing the Vertix 2 (multi-frequency, all constellations) alongside the Garmin Epix 2 in the same mode. Both watches are pretty good in that mode.

As I have been using Coros most days, I noticed yet another firmware update that allowed more flexibility in training plans as workouts can now be moved across weeks and there is also now no limit to the number of workouts in your training plan.


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