WAHOO – The Great Garmin Migration

A recent theme of things I wrote about was ‘My Ironman Journey’. Perhaps not the most…

Xert / Baron Biosystems / Cadence Optimizer on the Garmin Edge 820

This is an interesting one that falls under the ‘certainly can’t hurt’ category AND it may…

Polar’s Advanced Running Dynamics ?!

I’ve been playing a bit with the Polar V800 over the last few weeks. I didn’t…

Review: Garmin Speed and/or Cadence Sensors for Bikes

Garmin’s GSC-10 has been their mainstay, magnet-based speed+cadence sensor for several years. Relatively recently, newer versions…

10x Triathlon Improving Cycling Drills

You can improve quickly with focussed efforts on a turbo trainer. Soon enough, however, improvement will…

Duathlon: Cadence For Running & Cycling – Can't hurt tri either

I bought a music metronome thing a few years back. Used it a few times for…

Duathlon: Cadence For Running & Cycling – Can’t hurt tri either

I bought a music metronome thing a few years back. Used it a few times for…
