AsteroidOS 1.0 Released … What ?!?

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Latest news from is that their WearOS replacement is good-to-go.

This is probably of zero interest to endurance athletes right now. However interesting things might come from it. I’ll keep this one short a do a few bullet points

  • AsteroidOS covers basic ‘smart’ functionality when linked only to an Android smartphone
  • It’s highly customisable, has a SDK and is built on standard Linux technologies
  • Currently working on the LG G Watch, LG G Watch Urbane, LG G Watch R, Asus Zenwatch 1, Asus Zenwatch 2, Asus Zenwatch 3, and Sony Smartwatch 3. Some of these WearOS watches will not support later WearOS version, so AsteroidOS might offer an upgrade path down the line.

It perhaps sounds a bit far-fetched that this will turn into anything. Who is going to develop sports apps for these watches? Well, probably no-one right now. but what struck me from reviewing the Amazfit STRATOS is that there is a quite extensive network of developers writing custom apps for the Amazfit BIP and PACE and I understnad that some of that will also work on the STRATOS (Android-based). Once these things gather momentum they can keep snowballign along.


AsteroidOS 1.0 Release

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