is Garmin 965 Accurate? full report

The current level of technology across the key sports watch companies - Garmin, Apple, Coros, Polar…

Stryd vs Stryd – Some Data Comparisons

I've had some anomalies with the new Stryd footpod over the last few weeks.

Stryd Accuracy – Measured A Different Way

But then, do you speed up or slow down when the lap pace shows 4:05/km? (Answer:…

Garmin beaten by Whoop: Study shows 99% accuracy

people at Whoop will be super-happy with the results. The comparison of Whoop to a II-lead…

Garmin Sports Data Accuracy…lack thereof – slope, altitude, VO2max, HRV…

I've only got a business degree so I'm definitely not qualified to comment on statistical correlations.…

very accurate: Garmin Edge 1040 – Accuracy & Performance Report

Both Garmin's produced an excellent, almost faultless GPS track. They were better than the Bolt which…

Garmin Epix 2 / Fenix 7 – GPS Accuracy Alert ⚠️ is the new ‘Multi-Band Mode’ Super Accurate on Sapphire models?

Q: Do you think the Epix 2 in All-System, Multi-Band mode is the best ever? A:…

more WHOOP 4.0 Accuracy Results – Bicep Strap, GYM Results | FitGearHunter

Hunter latest set of tests are all with Whoop worn on the BICEP

WHOOP 4.0 Accuracy Results – GYM Results & Wrist-Worn | FitGearHunter

It's early days and early days with most new optical sensors are not great when worn…

Apple Watch 7 – Accuracy Results

For Apple to get the straightness of lines it does in a variety of conditions they…

Polar Grit X Pro Titan – Accuracy, some initial thoughts

As I said about 3 years ago, the Apple Watch is progressively becoming a serious sporty…

Apple Watch 7 – new GPS & Wi-Fi Chips – What it means.

We only know for certain that Beidou is now supported. This improves the chance of achieving…
